Book an appointment

dogs: Click Here

cats: select an appointment BELOW

Thank you for exploring spay/neuter options for your pet.  Together we can fix the Central Valley’s animal overpopulation problem!

Please note the following:

  • Please respect the limited capacity we have for spay appointments.


  • One cat per appointment.

  • Appointments are limited to THREE per household without prior approval from Central Valley Spay Neuter.

  • Please email us if you are trying to address a colony/hoarding situation so we can attempt to accommodate your needs.

Please be courteous and respectful of our veterinary partners’ staff and be informed of the FAQ section below.

Thank you again for spaying or neutering your pet.  Together we can fix the Central Valley’s animal overpopulation problem!

Please note that we add appointment availability for the upcoming week every Sunday afternoon.  If you don’t see appointments available, they’ve already been booked for the week. For best results, set a reminder and check back on Sunday.  Thank you!

    • Do not feed your pet after 10 PM the night before surgery.  Water is ok.

    • While spay/neuter surgeries are safe, even routine surgeries involve risk.  As a result, all pet parents must sign a release form acknowledging the risk of surgery and release our partners from liability.  A copy of that release form is available here: Release Form. Please be prepared to bring the completed release form on the day of the surgery.

    • All pets must be secured in a hard carrier or trap (cats) or via leash (dogs).

      • please include a pee pad in the carrier if possible

    • All pets must be in good health on the day of surgery.

    • Please bring the following items with you to your appointment:

      • Confirmation of your appointment.

      • Release form signed and initialed where indicated.

      • Receipt or confirmation of your co-payment.

    • If you would like certification of your pet’s surgery or other services, let the veterinary staff know at drop-off so it will be available at pick-up.

  • When you schedule an appointment with us, you’ll be expected to make a modest co-payment via cash or credit card.  As of March 2024, that co-payment is $20 for cats and $40 for dogs.  Central Valley Spay/Neuter uses GiveButter for payment processing.

    To determine public funding support for your pet’s spay or neuter, we will ask for your home address.  Failure to provide accurate information may result in your pet’s appointment being cancelled.

    • All pets must be dropped off before 9:00 AM the day of the appointment.

    • All pets must be picked up before 4:30 PM the day of the appointment.